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Happy New Year

Steensen Varming wishes everyone a Happy New Year. 2013 was a very exciting year which saw us into the 80th year since our foundation in Copenhagen as well as the 40th year since our establishment in Australia following our work on the design of Sydney Opera House with Jørn Utzon. We were very proud to participate in the anniversary celebrations of the iconic building, including the Danish Design at the House exhibition and sponsoring MADE, the Multidisciplinary Australian Danish Exchange programme which will run over the next ten years. In addition, our many successful projects picked up the following awards –

Art Gallery of NSW Forecourt Upgrade

National Architecture Awards, Small Project

Auckland Art Gallery

World Architecture Festival, World Building of the Year

Brisbane Supreme Court

IES Australia and New Zealand Award of Excellence

Australian Institute of Architects Public Architecture, National Award

The Eucalyptus woodland free-air CO2 enrichment (EucFACE) facility

Engineers Australia Sydney Division, Excellence Award, Environment & Heritage

Australian Engineering Excellence Awards, Finalist

Kings Avenue Overpass

Illumni Silver Infinity Award

IES North America Lighting Design Award of Excellence

IES The Paul Waterbury Award for Outdoor Lighting Design, Award of Excellence

IES North America Illumination Awards, International Section

‘Magic Mushroom’ LED Landscape Luminaire (Art Gallery of New South Wales cafe courtyard)

IES NSW Award of Commendation

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

Museums Australia Magna National Winner

City of Hobart Heritage Award

Great Hall, University of Technology Sydney

IES North America Illumination Awards, Award of Merit

IES North America Illumination Awards, International Section

Waterloo Youth Family Community Centre

NSW Architecture Awards, Sulman Medal for Public Architecture

IAMFA Diplomat Award

Presented to Steensen Varming for exceptional contributions to the state of design, construction, operation and maintenance of cultural facilities around the globe.

We look forward to seeing you in 2014 and what this year will bring.

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