Sustainable Design

Sustainable design focuses on creating comfortable environments without increasing environmental deficit. It is a way of thinking that embraces simple, appropriate solutions to complex problems. It is about efficient design, not over-design, specifying systems that complement one another, using less material but in the right place, utilising the waste of one process to fuel another.

We can optimise air quality, day lighting, heat gain and heat loss to reduce energy consumption and create more natural, sustainable, comfortable internal environments. If it’s appropriate to include renewable energy sources, we design secure supplies. Durability and longevity are the fundamental principles of environmentally responsible design.

Our expertise spans design and engineering with our integrated solutions supported by a long tradition of in-house collaboration across all building services. We participate in creative dialogue in concept stages and have the technical acuity to support our work with prudent analysis throughout design development. Continuous exchange within the design team yields integrated solutions, both active and passive, that are fit for purpose, low maintenance and low energy.

Related Expertise

Daylight Access & Sun Control

ESD & Energy Masterplanning

Passive & Low Energy Design

Building Envelope Optimisation

Thermal Comfort

Indoor Air Quality

Thermal Storage

Climate Control

Renewable Energy

Energy Recovery

Material Reuse & Recycling

Net Zero Carbon