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Join us on ‘the dark side’ at IMCC Copenhagen

This year’s International Museum Construction Congress is taking place in Copenhagen on 5-7 November and will have museum professionals along with architects, engineers and project managers and other service professionals discuss the key topics relating to museum construction, renovation and expansion.

As part of the agenda our CEO, Dan Mackenzie will be presenting under the title The Black Art (and Science):

Almost all buildings need to incorporate technology, engineering services, passive control and adaptability for future needs, however, due to a number of reasons they can be seen as a “black art”, a “necessary evil” that takes budget and space away from “more important” things.

So, what are the issues that need to be understood and expected so that the process and final outcome is optimised? How are older buildings sustainable, how do services enable architectural icons to perform? The session breaks down some of the most important aspects into elements such as light, air, humidity, sustainability and control, conveying their needs and impacts from the initial brief through to operation. A number of case studies (new buildings, heritage buildings and combinations of the two) will be presented that have addressed the very demanding and often conflicting requirements for conservation, display and user comfort.

Register and read more about the congress here